MoltenWare Sagina Sagulata Somniculosa – 1712

speculative Design

To pioneer and critique the industrial revolution that was promised, but is yet to happen: that of an all-3D-printed world. Forget the phone cases, the whistles, and the go-pro mounts, this will be a future where each and every common mass-produced good will be made of data molten into synthetic artefacts.

Creating a “printer” for an everyday condition. Can a simple at-home factory solve them? Design a consumer-grade 3D printer that is totally going to conquer our consumerist inclinations and explore its numerous implications. The plausibility of the “creating creations” and identify tradeoffs that will shape the designs. In turn, the project will be agglutinated into a single made-up world; one that will be observed, discussed, and finally narrated through short stories.

fictional Marketing, Prototypes, Insights presentation & Impressions

Concept & Ideas: “The MoltenWare – SSS 1712 (Sagina Subulata Somniculosa – 1712) – Bed has been developed to hand you the opportunity to fuse your dreamworld with your reality! While sleeping the tripple S surface layer analyses your sleeping positions and sets the knobs to start, shortly before your REM phase- the phase where you can dream consciously. The knobs gently press on acupressure points on your body and organises your physical movements and dreams.Start Layering with the MoltenWare tripple S mattress-line. Layers with integrated mechanism developed by our tripple s engineers, that set a focus on health, education and entertainment.”

Prototype & Process: Prototypes, Merchandise & PR, Product-Packaging, 3D Print, animated Rendering, Record of Support Talk

Rendering: Fabian Baum, Voice: Regan Raveendran


mit Matthias Weber, David Schneiter, Regan Raveendran, Fabian Baum

als Student am Masterstudio Design – Integrative Design | HGK | FHNW

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